Our mission is to keep hope in the communities so that one is able to obtain greatness and success regardless of economic background, general education and race. Our goal is to create experiences and provide opportunities that will ignite the spirit of hope and success for those who desire and strive for more in life instead of resulting to violence, drugs and/or depression. We believe that there are individuals who may and may not attend college, however they are able to succeed in life thru other avenues of interest. Our non-profit focuses on creating effective projects and programs within the sectors of Entertainment, Fashion, Entrepreneurship, Technology, Financial Literacy, The Arts and Health & Wellness. By creating and executing programs and projects within our youth's areas of interest and talents, we are on the right path to making a positive difference in our beloved city. We will not only provide opportunities but we will also act as a “clearing house” for individuals to connect with other organizations that
will provide more opportunities that match their needs.

Healing House
The Healing Houses will be a 24hr facility to help heal the trauma of Chicago residents.
Our city is facing undesirable events and it is important that instead of creating more convenience to the problems, we have created places of refuge, healing and love.
We are a non-profit that focuses on building up the youth and young adults in our community. Through this program, we are exploring new ways of therapy. Our mission is to create a space for the youth and our community to relieve tension and stress through a fun energy releasing activity. Our goal is to open (10) BreakHouses/ Healing Houses throughout the Chicagoland area.
Below you can review our numeric goals to achieve this.
Goal 1. $50k - for the 1st location
Goal 2. $450K to build 10 more throughout the city
Goal 3. $5m to buy and rehab and facilitate 2 schools (one south one west) to make 24 hour performing arts and financial literacy facilities for our youth and community.

Accomplishment Timeline
June 2021
August 2021
August 2021
November 2021
Zoom Party Launch:
We received $1,000 dollars in donations for our first virtual event. Zoom Parties reoccur on a monthly basis which includes music games, and $25-$50 giveaways.
Bud Billiken Parade:
We had our float sponsored by Bugs Up Entertainment, live performance by an artist from The Loop, and had over 20 volunteers & staff participate.
How 2 Heal Day:
We collaborated with Chicago Adventure Therapy, Christopher Lamar (host), Brionna Rosenbalm (Painting), Dream Network Shop, and Lax Energy Worx to create an event to spread healing throughout Chicago.
We were awarded a $2,500 CAN Mini-Grant from Woodson Center.
December 2021
May 2022
November 2022
December 2022
Cooking Zoom Class Launch:
Host virtual cooking zoom sessions on quick and fun recipes with Chef Frenchie.
Breakhouse Launch:
Pop up activity that will relieve stress and create a fun experience with a new form of therapy.
Was awarded the
Woodson Center Grant of $2,500
Hosted a BreakHouse session with the cast of
"The Chi".